Webmasters & Fakirs Join Now!
Do you have a good web page with celebrity fake images
and want to add it to the biggest link list around?
Join now and get more visitors your site can handle,
because this list has more traffic than all other top and link lists together.
This is a "quality" listing, your site must meet the following rules:
Your web page must be related to celebrity fake images.
Minimum of 100 (good) images for normal websites.
Nothing illegal (underage, bestiality, rape, etc.)
No "under construction" or dead (not updated) pages
Free (no pay) sites must start with a clear warning page.
No pages on free hosts like Geocities, FortuneCity, Tripod, MSN, etc.
No multiple link entries for the same or duplicate site(s).
No pages using anykind of dialer software
Adding your site is easy, just fill out the form below
(we never share your email address).
You will receive an email confirmation with quick infos
how to access your account and activate your site.
To support List CFake thank you to put this tag on your site.
(*) Please pick a password of your choice, it's needed for login to your account.
Use 5 to 10 letters and numbers with no spaces or other symbols.
(**) We often disable not working pages (dead url).
If your site disappeared from the list,
login to your account and update your site details.